Annoyed by pineapple, banana or kiwi? Does Apple seem boring to you? NO Oranges? Travelling around the world, or just searching for weird and cool facts, one can stumble upon some of the most weird yet tasty fruits.
The internet has effectively erased the borders when it comes to things like a country’s native foods, and the global distribution of goods has brought the weird to our neighborhood food dispensaries. With fruits, weird is relative.
Let’s check our top 10 weirdest fruits in the world.
Tahitian screw-pine fruit
A fruit with tons of uses, the taste is said to be consistent with that of coconuts. While it looks dangerous, the taste is amazing and has lots of natural ingredients.

It has a sweet pineapple-ish banana taste. When it is ripe, it produces a foul odor as it ferments, earning it the local nickname “stink nut.”
Malaysia, eastern Australia, and the Pacific Islands
Pulasan whose scientific name is Nephelium ramboutan (family – Sapindaceae) is a highly sweet fruit. It is sweeter than the lychee and the rambutan. The name originated from Malay word – pulas. Pulas means to twist – a reference to how the fruit has to be opened.

Taste – Highly Sweet.
Origin – The pulasan is found mainly in Peninsular Malaysia. It is also found in Philippines at low elevations from Luzon to Mindanao.
Horned Melon
Its fruit has horn-like spines, hence the name “horned melon”. Ripe fruit has orange skin and lime green, jelly-like flesh.

Taste– The flavor of the oozy green interior is a hybrid between cucumber, zucchini, and kiwifruit (though as it ripens, it tastes more like a banana).
Origin– Saharan Africa
Ackee fruit is one of the staple ingredient in Jamaican cuisine. This is not treated as a fruit, rather a vegetable. It is tasty, yet it can prove fatal if consumed unripe. The unripe Ackee fruit causes a condition called the Jamaican vomiting sickness.

Taste– The fruit has a buttery, creamy texture and a mild taste that reminded me of hearts of palm.
Origin– Jamaica
Buddha’s Hand
An incredibly beautiful fruit, with a lovely aroma and a rich history. This fruit is cultivated for it’s powerful zest.

Taste – The pulp accounts for about 25% of the fruit and is acidic in flavor, slightly bitter.
Origin- Buddha’s Hand (Citron) originated from the Far East, possibly north-eastern India or China, where most citrus fruits are domesticated.
Mangosteen is a highly juicy, rich and soft fruit commonly found in Southeast Asia. Highly valued for its juicy, mildly sweet and sour taste with soft texture, the mangosteen is cultivated in Malaysia, India, Mainland Southeast Asia, Borneo, Sumatra, and the Philippines since long ago.

Taste– Its sweetish sour and tangy, juicy, somewhat fibrous.
Origin– Southeast Asia, southwest India and other tropical areas
Romanesco broccoli
Romanesco broccoli is one seriously cool vegetable. It is a part of the brassica family which also includes cabbage, cauliflower and kale. It has a flavor similar to broccoli. It’s intricate mathematical pattern makes it a fractal.

Taste – Similar to cauliflower, but with a slightly nuttier, earthier flavor.
Origin – Italy