Your vehicle’s controls are probably something you’re already familiar with. You may not have read the owner’s manual for your car, but you are aware of how to operate the wipers, air conditioning, radio, and warning lights on your vehicle. Hopefully, you are also familiar with the process of changing your car’s tires. The thing you don’t seem to grasp, however, is that all you really need are seven simple, yet life-changing auto hacks, which we’re confident you won’t find in any car handbook and which we believe will change your life. There is something here for everyone, from the tiniest irritation to the most significant annoyance, and you can rest assured that these suggestions will make your life easier. Check to see if you’ve already completed any of the tasks on this list by performing a search.

Fixing A Dent With Hot Water & A Plunge
Has a dent or ding been made on the side of your vehicle? Never be worried about anything. We’ve taken care of everything! Dents are common, and, contrary to popular belief, they are relatively simple to repair once they have occurred. Put a teapot or saucepan on the stove and bring some water to a boil. Pour the boiling water over the dent and pull the plunger. In most cases, the dent should pop right out of the car’s body if it hasn’t been significantly damaged; it won’t look as good as before, but it will be less noticeable.