
How To Become An Ideal Woman?

Are you a woman of substance? What are the qualities of a woman? Or what qualities should a woman have? There are many questions on how a woman should behave, but it is difficult to give a straight answer to all these questions.

While external beauty can be perceived by eyes, inner beauty is experienced in behavior. Also, the qualities of women could be classified into different categories according to situations.

What are the qualities of an ideal woman?

How To Become An Ideal Woman?

An ideal woman is one that has an attractive personality and good nature. But it would be too little to be for an ideal woman. Here we’ve summed up some qualities of an ideal woman.

Beauty: Every woman is beautiful but the most beautiful woman is one who is good-looking and well-cultured. While outside beauty reveals health and hygiene, the inside beauty is all about a kind heart, polite behavior, soft-spoken, and accommodative nature.

Values: It shows a disciplined life. A woman with high values will present a high standard of personal, social, and cultural life. She will lead a balanced life and set standards for others. Also, she should encourage others to follow in her footsteps.

Intelligence: Here intelligence stands for the curiosity to learn new things and the ability to accomplish assigned tasks in a given time. Also, an intelligent woman would do well in her academic life to prove her mental strength and abilities. She will always dream high while keeping her feet firmly on the ground reality.

Kind, Loving, And Caring: These are the three qualities that make a woman different from men. And a woman must possess all these qualities. She should be kind towards others, loving for her family, and caring for everyone in need.

Independent: A woman of quality would be independent in thinking, and decision making. She would be able to complete her tasks single-handedly or with a few helping hands. But she will do most of her jobs alone.

Strong: It is the power to face challenges and find amicable solutions in even the most disheartening situations. It is the ability to turn fortunes in the most difficult times. And it is the strength to recover from setbacks especially financial.

Companionship: A woman should feel the pain and suffering of others. Also, she should be ready to lend a friendly year to her friends, colleagues, and family members. She should become a friend in need of everyone.

What’s your ideal woman?

How To Become An Ideal Woman?

Men often overlook this very important question, but it’s a question that’s really worth asking, and more importantly, it’s one that requires a very honest answer.

The first thing I do with the men who come on our 7-Day Mastery Program is sit down with them and help them to create a detailed and honest list of what they’re truly looking for in their ideal woman.

So why do I make them do this?

When a man approaches a woman with a clear idea of what he wants, he then (on an almost subconscious level) automatically gains more confidence. One of our recent 7-Day Mastery students described this experience perfectly as a ‘perception shifter’

Let’s do some comparing:

Take a moment to compare the man who knows exactly what he wants, with the man who only has a ‘vague’ idea about what he wants.

The man with the ‘vague list’ will be immediately starting off in a weaker position. Because he’s not actively looking for certain characteristics in the woman he’s talking to, he will end up getting caught up in his own head, and thinking more about what he needs to do to impress her rather than flipping the situation around, and acknowledging what he wants, and more importantly, TAKING ACTION in what he wants.

She needs to tick your boxes:

The man who has a detailed list in what he wants from his ideal woman, approaches the situation not only with boosted confidence but also with a clear idea of what boxes need to be ticked of his own, and as a result, he finds himself asking her more engaging questions, and starts (almost without realizing) implementing very subtle but powerful validation techniques. This will encourage the woman to invest more into the interaction, and trigger her desire to impress him, which eventually creates a powerful ‘positive feedback loop’.

But here’s the thing; If you have hardly any boxes that need ticking then you won’t experience that positive shift at all.

Women are accepting leadership roles in every sphere of life. They are in the corporate world, society, polity, and even in the defense forces. And their leadership is praised by everyone.

Here’re the leadership qualities of a woman

How To Become An Ideal Woman?

Trust: In leadership, trust plays a crucial role in establishing relationships. In the corporate world, you should know who you can trust for which task. And women with leadership qualities know how to make core teams and assign tasks to those teams.

Set Goals: Before you assign a task, you should set goals for the person to who you are assigning the task. A woman leader would know how to set goals for her team members. She would know the strengths and weaknesses of every member of her team and she would set goals for her juniors while keeping their abilities in her mind.

Exchange of Knowledge: A woman leader can make a conducive environment for the exchange of knowledge between her team members. She will encourage the juniors to prove their knowledge by providing them ample opportunities. She will create moments for her junior staff to come forward and accept challenges.

Good Listener: A leader should keep herself above arguments, debates, and speeches. Her role is to listen to what others are saying and provide solutions acceptable to all. A woman leader should be a good listener so she can listen to what others are saying and get the right feedback from her team and clients.

Believer in Equality: A good woman leader would always practice equality in her office. She will give equal opportunities to her juniors and encourage them to give equal treatment to others. She will treat everyone in her team equally irrespective of their gender, caste, color, social status, or financial background.

Helpful: A good leader is one who is already ready to help others. And a woman leader knows how to win confidence, make friends, and strengthen relations. She would lend a helping hand to everyone she finds in need.

Women keep their relations warm. They know how to establish and maintain good relations. They have some qualities that help them in remaining in good relationships.

Relationship qualities of a woman

How To Become An Ideal Woman?

Supportive: A relationship thrives on the warm support you get and give to others. And women are always ahead in understanding needs and supporting the right causes. A woman can maintain a relationship with her spouse, family, extended family members, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances by supporting them.

Humor: Every relationship needs a sense of humor. You can’t maintain silence or serious talks all the time. Your partner and others expect humor in your talks. And women know how to make things lighter. They can even change a serious topic into a light one with their sense of humor. It isn’t that they undermine the value of serious talk but they want to keep the mood light.

Confident: Confidence is the biggest strength of a woman. She knows when to start a serious talk, and how to steer the talks to a conclusion. It is only with confidence that she gets the courage to take lead in every situation. She never looks back or feels discouraged due to her confidence.

Compassionate: A woman would know how to respond to emotions and feelings. She will never hurt anyone with her words. On the contrary, she will calm others with her soft words and ability to share their feelings and emotions.

Final Thoughts

It is difficult to find an ideal woman but you can try to become the best for your family, friends, and the entire society. Try to inculcate the qualities that can help in your personal and professional growth.

How To Become An Ideal Woman?
Vivek Kumar

Journalist. Perennially hungry for entertainment. Carefully listens to everything that start with "so, last night...". Currently making web more entertaining place.

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