Flaxseed, which comes from flax or linseed, is a perennial plant with blue, white, yellow, and red flowers typically found and cultivated in cooler regions. Flaxseed is the small, flat, ovular-shaped seed of a tan to brown hue. It can be ground or cold-pressed into an oil, making flaxseed a very versatile ingredient in food and cooking. Flaxseeds are mainly consumed for their health benefits.
In ancient Egypt, flax was used extensively with priests and the upper classes, since it was considered a symbol of purity. During the time, the use of the seeds was not widespread and generally limited to animal feed. Throughout the middle ages, flaxseed was prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders due to its laxative properties, but it wasn’t until the last three decades that it has had an increased focus and study as part of the human diet.
What are flaxseeds?
Flax seeds, also known as linseeds, are the seeds of the flax plant. Every part of the flax plant has its use. Flax fibers are used to make linen and rope. Flax seeds are also used to make linseed oil, used in woodworking and carpentry.
As far back as 30,000 years ago, flax has been cultivated and grown as a steady crop in Egypt, Switzerland, Syria, and China. And as if that’s not enough, this wondrous little seed scores huge in the health department, too.
Flaxseed Benefit #1: Aids In Weight Loss
For the individual utilizing exercise with diet for weight loss, flaxseed is a phenomenal low carb source of energy. 100g of ground flaxseed contains 538 calories, making it an incredibly calorie rich food, providing energy to keep your body going.
Flaxseed is particularly high in fiber, which is crucial to weight loss. Per 100g of flaxseed, there are 27.3 grams of fiber, making it one of the top 5% richest foods in fiber content. Additionally, flaxseed aids in weight loss by binding with water in the digestive tract, making you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Thus, preventing overeating.