Do you need to contact Garuda Indonesia?
We have all the contact details for Garuda Indonesia right here on our website. You can find addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for Garuda Indonesia. Plus, we’ve also got a handy map so you can easily find your way.
Don’t spend hours online trying to track down the right person at Garuda Indonesia. Let us do all the hard work for you! We’ve gathered all this information so you can easily get in touch with them and get the help you need. We also have shared Garuda Indonesia’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account links and many more.
Garuda Indonesia Head Office
Garuda Indonesia Building Jl.
Medan Merdeka Selatan
No. 13 Jakarta, 10110 Indonesia
Garuda Indonesia Customer Service
0 804 1 807 807
or 62 21 2351-9999
Email Garuda Indonesia
To email Garuda Indonesia click here
Garuda Indonesia Offices
Germany: (49-61-5) 206024
Italy: (39-06) 42013289
Netherlands: (31-20) 550 2600
UK: (44-20) 74678661
Saudi Arabia
Dammam (966-3) 864 4527/ 5638/ 8847
Jeddah (96-62) 665 6121/ 665 8730
Riyadh (96-61) 216 0855/56
Qatar: (974) 4622122
Abu Dhabi (971-2) 633 8700
Dubai (971-2) 3976161
Muscat (968-2) 470 2820
(86-10) 58797699
(86-21) 5239 1000 Ext 188/189
Hong Kong: (85-2) 2840 0000
Nagoya (81-52) 222 4771
Osaka (81-6) 6635 3222
Tokyo (81-3) 3240 6161
Korea: (82-2) 773 2092/5
Taiwan: (88-62) 2507 3037
Malaysia: (603) 2162 2811
Singapore: (65) 62502888
Thailand: (66-2) 285 6470
Philippines: (63-2) 5238581-88
Vietnam: (84-8) 87300 5858 / 7305 5888
New Zealand: (64-9) 366 1855
Adelaide (61-08) 82312636
Brisbane 1300365330
(61-07) 38350400
Melbourne (61-3) 8663 0222/ 0297
Perth 1300 365 331
Sydney 1300 365 331 /(61-2) 9334 9944
(416) 9243175
(604) 6897479
California (818) 9907083
Chicago (312) 3290053
Houston (713) 8771942
New York (212) 2790756
Flight Status
To check Garuda Indonesia flight status online click here
Flight Schedule
To check flight schedule online click here
Web Check-in
To check-in online click here
Trace Lost Baggage
To trace lost baggage click here
Baggage Information
For checked baggage, Economy Class passengers can carry 20kg while Executive Class passengers can carry up to 30kg. For cabin baggage, passengers are allowed to carry one baggage, weight not exceeding 7kg and 115 linear cm. Visit the website for more details.
About Garuda Indonesia Airline
Garuda Indonesia was founded in the year 1949 and is the national carrier of Indonesia. The airline flies to over 45 destinations, including the Middle East and Australia. Garuda Indonesia operates from its main hubs at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Ngurah Rai International Airport and Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport. Garuda Indonesia was named as the World’s Most Improved Airline by Skytrax during 2010 World Airline Awards. The airline further won Indonesia Best Brand Award – Best Brand Platinum 2010. Skytrax has given the airline a 4-star ranking.
Garuda Indonesia destinations include Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Seoul, Guangzhou (Canton), Beijing, Shanghai, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Jeddah, Riyadh, Dammam, Dubai, Amsterdam, Banda Aceh, Medan, Pekan Baru, Batam, Padang, Palembang, Palu, Jakarta, Ampenan, Kupang, Kendari, Biak, Ternate, Solo, Jambi, Malang and more.